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Learn Thai Online Demo Screencast

Learn Thai Ping provides Thai Language students with practice material to improve all aspects of Thai literacy for a wide variety of skill levels.

The format of Learn Thai Ping is based around a typing tutor, but with lessons focuss on Thai language skills rather than simply speed typing.

Learn Thai Ping is a fun web based application for all ages. It is compatible with all modern web browsers, including tablets and mobile phones.

Lessons are categorised by language skill level. Most lessons are designed to take around ten to fifteen minutes to make it easy to fit into busy schedules. Fit in a lesson or two during a lunch break, before bed or use your phone or tablet to practice while on the bus.

Obviously, as typing skills improve you will be able to move through lessons even quicker.

When each practice phrase is displayed, the audio for that phrase is played.

To hear the audio again, simply press the play button at any time.

Most beginner lessons start off by introducing a few single words.

When practicing sentences you will notice that individual words are highlighted as you go, along with the audio for that word.

Word by word highlighting and audio is a really big help when you're just getting started with reading Thai. The lack of spaces in Thai script is normally one of the biggest barriers for native English speakers, but by typing through these practice lessons you will quickly start recognising the patterns that will help you segment words and start reading by yourself.

If you have already been speaking some Thai but are just starting with reading and writing you will be amazed by how fast you will progress. The beginner categories will start you off in familiar territory, reading and writing everyday phrases.

Below the phrase, you will also notice that an English translation is provided. So as you progress through the lessons you will be also be learning the meanings of new words and phrases to extend your vocabulary.

In the modern world of text messaging and social media, keyboard skills now outweigh pen-and-paper skills. Learning the Thai alphabet is much easier on a keyboard than with a pen and paper. Very quickly you can put your new writing skills to use by texting and chatting online.

Go to to try out some free Thai lessons and start accelerating your Thai today.